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Museum: Austrian Gallery Belvedere - 인터랙티브 미술관 - 전자책 출판, 제작 본문

New Release

Museum: Austrian Gallery Belvedere - 인터랙티브 미술관 - 전자책 출판, 제작

오렌지디지트 2013. 1. 4. 15:02

Museum: Austrian Gallery Belvedere

by Louis Byun & Orange Digit

This book is available for download on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iBooks and on your computer with iTunes. Books must be read on an iOS device.


This eBook has included interactive 3D panoramic multimedia. and is first eBook with high technology to show the museum and art gallery. Table of Contents 1. Panoramic view of the Gallery 2. Video for Paintings 3. Upcoming Exhibition 4. Master's Profile 5. Gustav Klimt and 'The Kiss' 6. Gallery map


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Museum: Austrian Gallery Belvedere
View In iTunes
  • Free
  • Available on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
  • Category: Design
  • Published:Dec 28, 2012
  • Publisher: Orange Digit Inc.
  • Seller: Orange Digit Inc
  • Print Length: 11 Pages
  • Language: English
  • Requirements: This book requires iBooks 1.5 or later and iOS 5.0 or later. Books can only be viewed using iBooks on an iPad, iPhone (3G or later), or iPod touch (2nd generation or later).