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The Secrets of The Serial Killers [Kindle Edition] 본문

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The Secrets of The Serial Killers [Kindle Edition]

오렌지디지트 2013. 6. 5. 23:45

The Secrets of The Serial Killers [Kindle Edition]

Jiwoon Choi 

Digital List Price:$6.00 What's this? 
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    Book Description

     May 18, 2013
    A serial killer was arrested at the internet cafe. 
    But while being questioned by the police in jail, a series of copycat crimes have been taking place repeatedly whenever the suspect talk in his sleep. 
    A fierce fight in brain broke out between the suspect and the policeman. Finally the suspect was arrested on the spot when the 12th accidents happened.
    An incredible plot and secrets got out in the middle of interrogations.

    Product Details

    • File Size: 305 KB
    • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
    • Publisher: OrangeDigit Inc. (May 18, 2013)
    • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
    • Language: English
    • ASIN: B00D76XKOW
    • Text-to-Speech: Enabled 
    • X-Ray: Not Enabled 
    • Lending: Enabled